Land-based and virtual casinos are visited by different categories of players. Most of all, gambling establishments are happy to high rollers (“whales”) because they play big. At their expense, it is possible to increase the profit significantly. In return, such clients can count on various privileges. This article will tell you what high rollers are, what privileges they have compared to ordinary players, what they prefer to play, and how to become them.
Who is a High Roller
A high roller is a player who makes impressive bets. The term was initially used to refer to high-stakes poker players, but later, it was applied to all players.
There is no specific amount, after spending which the client can be called a high roller. Also, the status is not automatically assigned to gamblers with a particular social and economic status. High rollers are usually called experienced players who invest much money in the game. In this case, they are not afraid of the risk of losing. In the casino, such customers are assigned premium status regardless of winning or losing. High rollers do not seek to make a fortune. They get pleasure from large bets.
Most virtual casinos have a loyalty program with increasing levels. The more the visitor spends money, the faster he reaches Vip status.
As for land-based gambling houses, managers are responsible for identifying high rollers. They offer such customers special service conditions. The same principle applies in virtual casinos — the more money the client spends, the more value he represents for the casino. In addition, one can count on various privileges that ordinary players can only dream of.
What games are played by high rollers
It is difficult to name specific gambling games suitable for high rollers. If we talk about slot machines, then more suitable slots with a cumulative jackpot. When choosing a game, you should evaluate the range of bets. It is also necessary to ensure that the casino can make large bets.
The incentive system for “whales”
Competition in the gambling field is high, so casinos use various methods to attract customers. First, they are interested in high rollers. However, the privileges for customers of land-based and virtual establishments are different. Operators also use other methods to motivate players to spend more money on the game.
“Whales” can expect special services—for example, no luxury hotel fees or private jet flights. Since casinos are most often located near large hotels, it is easy for guests to create ideal conditions for recreation.
Another privilege for VIP customers is playing on credit. This method is quite risky. If the visitor can not pay off the debts, they will simply be canceled. Despite this, many casinos allow high rollers to play on credit. The material was prepared with the support of cricketbettingapps.com.in India